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What Makes Search Engine Optimization (SEO) So Crucial?

SEO has been digital marketing's cornerstone for quite some time. It's a great way to help any brand, regardless of product and/or service, stand out from their competitors. Most importantly, it's a great way to fortify the foundation for a business to have longevity and successful growth. A website that ranks highly and does well in the search engine results pages (SERPs) of Google and the like will stay there if you've got good content. 

All of that said, it's important to have a more personal, real-world grip on the importance of SEO. Read on to learn more about what makes search engine optimization so crucial:

SEO Is Crucial Because It Helps with Building Credibility and Trust

Rome wasn't built in a day, and trust isn't established overnight. SEO can help those efforts move forward, giving your content better reach to help establish your brand quickly. SEO leads to a much better UX (user experience) on your website, too. With it involved, your content will rank higher on the SERPs.

According to SearchEngineWatch.com, up to 28% of overall clicks in a search engine are on the first two positions. Those rankings have a lot of trust behind them, since Google has been optimizing for over two decades. Google, in particular, constantly works to improve the accuracy of their results.

SEO Is Crucial Because User Experience Gets a Boost

User experience or UX gets an essential boost from SEO use. Key elements of the experience a user has on any website that make a difference include, but are not limited to:

●      Average time on a page

●      Bounce rate

●      Content relevance

●      Mobile-friendliness of a site

●      Page views

●      Site speed

Think about it: when was the last time you had the patience to go through a website that was slow, cluttered, or irrelevant to the product or service you need? The better the experience a person has on your website, the more time they'll spend on perusing your website.

Content that's presented in an engaging, meaningful way on an efficient website can go a long way for any brand, no matter the product or service.

SEO Is Crucial Because Website Traffic Is Generated

As previously mentioned, search engine rankings for particular keywords and phrases get a boost from SEO. Google, in particular, has the lion's share of the search engine market in America. Optimizing for that can bring on significant traffic that will aid in longevity.

While there are alternatives such as paid ads, organic traffic is easily the best performing means of generating traffic. Content that shows up in Google, which is highly trusted the world over, will easily earn the trust more than any social media post or ad out there.


Search engine optimization has played a key role in digital marketing since its inception. No matter what the product and/or service of a business is, the website plays a huge role. SEO is crucial to this for a number of reasons. This includes the way website traffic is generated, helps with credibility and trust getting built, and user experience getting a boost.

Need help with your search engine optimization? Reach out to headstartt today! We’re an ROI-driven digital marketing agency with expertise in sustainable, long-term technology and marketing integrations.